Sunday 28 August 2011


  1. Oh! come on my dear ,come sit
    And pray for me to lit
    The candles of life. Can I hit it
    God save me.....

    The beautiful garden full of rose
    Cherished in rows,
    Can I pluck it, the thorns will hit me
    Never, I have the power, I have the courage.

    The sweet smell of rose and jasmine,
    Give a warmth and happy to me.                                                                  
    I enjoyed it. I want to live there were
    The fouling smell over covers it like a wear.

    I pray to God, who is powerful than you,
    No, none. But a harsh sound like a metal
    I have the power, I have the courage
    Who comes fast, I don’t know, only the sound.

    Beauty reaches earth or it reaches wealth
    It is a circle to me. can you hear its,
    Harsh threatening sound. It is the devil
    It kills the beauty.  It is evil

    Who beautifies my garden, Is the rose?
    Or is the raws?
    Is its smell or is its beauty
    It is a havoc.

    The gardener comes fastly,
    Give water to me.
    Pluck me, give it to the beloved
    Kills my life and kills his duty.

    Spring is beautiful, man is beautiful
    Who is more beautiful?
    The blossom beauty and the harsh metal
    Who is more beautiful?

    Is beauty is worthy or duty is worthy
    It is a threatening stone on man
    Again the image less sound
    I have the power, I have the courage.

    Oh! God, who is powerful than you
    You have the power, you only have the courage
    Then, who has that threatening sound
    Is it will is it good.

    Come on, cheer up in spring
    The horizon will bring
    Will or wise, good or bad
    I don't know.

    The sound of cuckoo fills my heart
    But that threatening voice kills my heart
    Is he has the courage t o come up
    And say to me, never.

    Oh! Rose I have a question to ask,
    Are you want me to remain in earth or in worth
    Do you want to share the beauty?
    Or you consider it is your duty.

    Again the sound, I have the power, I have the courage
    I am the fly, I am the robber
    I have the valour, I have the tower
    I can dare all of you.

    I am the metal, I am the stranger
    I can kill you, I can blink you
    I have the power, I have the courage
    I can dare, I can beat.

    It is havoc to me; it follows me like a hawk
    It kills my body, it kills my bud
    Who can lit a lamp in the darkness
    No, no one can shine me.

    Is the colorful beauty can shine darkness
    Or the lamp can shine gloominess
    Again the sound, I have the power, I have the courage.
    Who can dare me? Who can blame me?

    With nervousness I said,
    Come on the devil, show your identity
    Are you a person or a thing?
    Who gives you such threatening sound?

    A little shadow appears in the mirror
    I have the power, I have the courage
    I can stretch you, I can kill you
    Can built you, I am the blacksmith.

    Fear in mind, stress in heart,
    Oh! God he overcomes you
    Destroys your beauty, makes it dirty
    Hit you with his weapon.

    Oh! God come on, show your power
    Beauty can make man happy
    He can make it dirty
    Come fast and save the beauty
    You have the power, you have the courage.

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